Reloading the database schema

When to reload the database schema

Datawisp only connects to your database when the user uses the data. So, datawisp is not automatically informed when you create, change or delete tables or views.

This means that sometimes the schema of your database, and the schema that Wispy or you see is different. To resolve this, it is recommended that you reload the schema after:

  • You create or delete a table or a view

  • You alter the schema of a table or a view by adding or removing columns, or changing their type

  • You change the permissions for tables or views that are imported into Datawisp.

Updating the database schema

Then, for the data source that changed, click the three dots on the very right:

And last, click on "Reload schema" in the menu:

Leave the datawisp tab open until the process is finished. Usually, this takes less than thirty seconds, but in rare cases this can take up to 10 minutes, depending on the size of your database schema.

Once it is done, the "Modified" date of the data source should be the current time, you can also validate that the changes to the schema are visible in datawisp.

Last updated


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